The smear campaign against Matthew Tukaki

Matthew Tukaki has recently been under constant bombardment and social media over accusations he does not have a mandate to speak in regards to Te ao Maori.

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Matthew Tukaki is a social media influencer the reality is for him to speak on any issue one does not require a license permit or any type of authorisation to offer his opinion. In a free and open society it should be the duty of the citizens to be vocal on serious issues unless they are attempting to encourage racist hatred against an ethnic minority.

“We rise when we focus on the kaupapa”

Matthew Tukaki

Mr Tukaki has expressed many times he doesn’t need an official appointment to voice his opinions. Mr Tukaki has a very large social media following and has a great history in fighting against racism while taking on hategroups like Hobsons Pledge although is critics can’t say the same.


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About the Author: Joe Trinder

Ngāti awa journalist and film maker based in Kirikiriroa Hamilton.