Mayor wants to execute pet dogs with his rifle

We interview Kayla Cox about the new Dog Control Bylaw after Mayor Allan Sanson made a veiled threat to execute dogs in Huntly

Waikato district Mayor Alan Sanson on a live zoom call expressed his desire to execute pet dogs that aren’t pure bred he describes as mongrels.

Sanson is attempting to put through a new proposed dog controlled by law that will place heavy restrictions on dog ownership. One of the proposals as limiting dog ownership to two dogs per property and it would require the owner to get a permit for a third dog. The permit would require permission from the homeowners next door neighbours.

The proposed dog controlled by law would prohibit dog owners taking their pets into the CBD even on a leash. Banning pet owners from CafĂ©’s when many patrons sit outside with their small dogs.

Sanson’s plea to the council was loaded with dog whistle politics by targeting a predominantly Maori populated community on Harris street in Huntly to execute their pets while making an exemption for farmers dogs.

Some conditions of the bylaw have been kept from the public and the policy could possibly be adjusted without public consultation.

Cox feels many rate payers have been through enough this year with lockdowns and financial pressures that this is going to far and over reaching.

A Facebook group opposing this dog bylaw has been created here

Source Facebook: Waikato District Mayor Allan Sanson
WDC Zoom conference call