Green Party Co-leader Leader James Shaw resigns

Green Party Co-leader Leader James Shaw resigns

James Shaw, the key figure behind New Zealand’s significant Zero Carbon Act, has declared his resignation as the Green Party’s Co-leader, effective from March. However, he will continue his parliamentary duties to back the Bill of Rights (Right to a Sustainable Environment) Amendment Bill.

Reflecting on his tenure, Shaw expressed, “Serving as New Zealand’s Climate Change Minister for the past six years and as the Green Party’s Co-leader for almost nine has been the most rewarding experience of my life. It was a privilege to work with my Co-leader, Hon Marama Davidson, her predecessor Metiria Turei, and a remarkable team of Green MPs, staff, party officials, and volunteers.”

Shaw expressed his pride in the Green Party’s accomplishments over the past eight years and extended his gratitude to its members and supporters for their unwavering dedication and support.

He highlighted that “In 2017, the Greens made history by becoming a governing party with ministers for the first time. We also set a record by increasing our support at the end of each of our two terms – a milestone no other government support partner had achieved.”

Under their governance, the landmark Zero Carbon Act was passed with unanimous support across Parliament, making New Zealand one of the first countries to incorporate the Paris Agreement’s 1.5’C target into national legislation.

Shaw concluded by expressing his satisfaction in seeing the Zero Carbon Act withstand its first change of government. He stated, “New Zealand can take pride in having a lasting climate change framework, complete with long-term targets and institutions that will guide us through several decades and changes of government.”