World War Two Nuremberg trials are irrelevant to Aotearoa

Lawyer DeAnne Bateson describes how the World War two Nuremberg Trials are irrelevant to modern day Aotearoa.

The Nuremberg trials were conducted in Germany after world war two for war criminals that were conducting inhumane experiments on the civilian population of Germany. The trials were a military tribunal that preceded the United Nations a trial by court of justice between members of the Nazi regime and the United States Justice Department. The […]

Activist Jimmy O’Dea passes away

Legendary old time activist Jimmy O’Dea has passed away on 27 November at Auckland hospital aged 86.

Activist Jimmy O’Dea passes away

Jimmy was a committed human rights defender and champion of the working class. A man who always did what was right rather than what was comfortable. Jimmy O’Dea was present at most of the major protest events in Aotearoa New Zealand from the Maori land March, Bastion point and even as of late the land […]

Rangiriri trenches near completion

The Rangiriri Pa site is nearing completion

Rangiriri trenches near completion

The newly constructed Pa site at Rangiriri is near completion. This will be the latest tourist attraction to showcase the history behind the New Zealand Wars. he Battle of Rangiriri was a major engagement in the invasion of Waikato, which took place on 20–21 November 1863 during the New Zealand Wars. British and colonial forces […]

Groundswell hostile towards journalist as”Fake News”

The groundswell protestors will no longer tolerate racism but have became increasingly provocative against journalists.

The Groundswell protestors will no longer tolerate racism, but have became more provocative against journalists claiming that they create fake news. This attitude stems from a conspiracy theory which believes that all journalists are working for the prime ministers office. Ross Townshend, the former organiser of the Waikato chapter of Groundswell, was not invited to […]

The dark underbelly of the anti-lockdown protestors

The Anti-lockdown leaders claim they champion freedom and human rights yet they attack indigenous rights and non Christian religious freedoms.

We expose the leaders of the Anti-lockdown lobby and how they harbour prejudiced views of indigenous New Zealanders’ rights enshrined into the Treaty of Waitangi. These so-called civil rights and freedom fighters would ruthlessly crush others’ freedoms and rights. Much of the korero from the Anti lockdown leaders is often irrational and has a deliberate […]

Pākehā couple sneak out of Auckland lockdown for Wanaka holiday home

A Pākehā couple who deceptively cross the border out of Auckland for a Wanaka holiday home.

Pākehā couple sneak out of Auckland lockdown for Wanaka holiday home

The Pākehā couple who snuck out of Auckland during level IV lockdown have been exposed on social media as William Willis and is spouse Hannah Rawnsley. Mary Beth Sharp is a district court judge based in Auckland her son is William Willis. The couple used employment letters to get over the border out of Auckland to […]

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